2030 & 2040 Storylines Merit Orders:

The following charts present the merit order and marginal cost for the coal, lignite and gas power plants in each scenario and time horizon.

  1. EUCO 2030

The merit order for the EUCO 2030 scenario is set from the fuel and carbon prices provided by DG Energy used to construct the EUCO 2030 impact assessment report.

Figure 7: EUCO 2030 merit order

  1. Sustainable Transition 2030 & 2040 – Based on a “Low oil” scenario constructed with a low gas price

2030: “Sustainable Transition” – New CCGT Gas Before New Coal

Figure 8: Sustainable Transition 2030 merit order

2040: “Sustainable Transition” – New CCGT Gas Before Coal

Figure 9: Sustainable Transition 2040 merit order

  1. Distributed Generation 2030 & 2040 – Merit Order Charts

A higher CO~2~ price is set in order to match the storyline with the investments for a decentralised generation scenario:

  • A big reduction in CAPEX for ‘small scale technologies’

  • A medium level of support/carbon price that helps developing the technologies.

2030: “Distributed Generation”

Figure 10: Distributed Generation 2030 merit order

2040: “Distributed Generation”

Figure 11: Distributed Generation 2040 merit order

2040 Global Climate Action – “450” scenario

Fuel and carbon prices from the “450” scenario from the WEO are taken. No changes are applied to fuel or carbon prices.

2040: “Global Climate Action”

Figure 12: Global Climate Action 2040 merit order

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